
Aspergis Sp. z o.o.

Grupa producentów warzyw

Cook and freezing the asparagus

Cook the asparagus in a boiling water, preferably in a tall, narrow pan, so that the spearheads remain above the level of the water. The spearheads constitute the softest part and it is enough for them to get soft under the influence of steam. In the worst case you can cook the asparagus in the lying position.

Cook the asparagus in a salty water, add the pinch of sugar. A bit of butter can also be added. When boiled in a standing position, it is suggested to additionally bend the spears loosely with a single thread. Cook the asparagus under the lid, on the middle heat (if cooked in a lying position there is no necessity to use the lid). As it was already mentioned, the cooking time for the green asparagus is shorter than for the white – respectively 5 and 7-8 minutes. The cooking time also depends on the thickness of the spears. It is suggested to check their softness with a fork. Well cooked spears should be soft but should not fall apart. It is of crucial importance not to overboil them.

Freezing the asparagus:

If you want to freeze the asparagus, peel them first. You don't have to defrost it before cooking.
